If you don't like spunky kids, you probably don't want to own a husky.
However, if personality is a plus in your books, you may want to take
a second look -- Siberians are never boring. Beware, if you get one and
like it, you may fall victim to the Siberian Potato Chip Syndrome: it's
hard to own only one... or two... or three... surely there is room for
just one more...
Beautiful, relatively clean and odourless dog (as long as they are not
playing in a barnyard)
Highly intelligent, though maybe this should go on the drawback side,
as it leads to a few power struggles while training
Small appetites, 2 cups a day per dog, plus a little extra while sledding
Relatively low incidence of genetic problems, though a new owner should
look for juvenile cateracts and hip displacia in the background of any
dog they are considering
Very friendly with people, though they might lick a robber to death
Personality plus, plus, plus!
Fastest sledding dog around after the Alaskan Husky, which is actually
a mixed breed dog; Border Collies might beat you in short distance races
Not generally barkers, though they may howl if they are lonely, or
when they are having fun together as a pack. I find them a lot quieter
in the house than most dogs, no loud incessant panting, or uncoordinated
thumping around the room
There's just nothing like a Husky smile!
Generally cannot be walked off leash without serious training, though
there are many exceptions to this rule, they nearly all require serious
fencing to stay on your property (six-foot fence, lined at the base and/or
electric fencing of some description)
Tendency to dig holes in your yard, turning it into excellent filming
grounds for alien landscape movies, though most will grow out of this
it can be a hassle until they do; shrubs may still be considered chew
toys; and gardens are playgrounds
Though mine are pretty good about kitchen counters, I don't tempt them
by leaving anything particularly good out when I am not around to defend
Can be aggressive with other dogs and/or animals, particularly ones
smaller than they are - which are really food items don't ya know
Need a fair amount of exercise: walking, running, sledding or at least
a large backyard and another dog. My brother lost a good deal of weight
after getting his first husky, so this might be an advantage if you
were looking for an effective weight loss program
Shedding fur in the summer months may be more common than grains of
salt on your dinner. This can be alleviated somewhat through regular
For a look at more opinions about the breed see the links section of
this website.
