
Conformation and look are important to us when we are choosing who to
breed, and to whom. Though we are not very dog show focused, we do attend
the occasional dog show, particularly the Siberian Nationals when they
are close enough, looking forward to having a fun day visiting with our
dog show friends and looking at some beautiful dogs show their stuff.
I'm sure our lack of experience in the show ring is apparent, but to us
it's all about having fun.
We showed our new puppy, Reesha, at the Sibe Nationals in Woodlands Provincial
Park last year and came in third in her puppy class. Considering she had
only been trained at home, and was unused to that many other dogs and
people, we are proud of her for standing for the judge and showing her
paces well.
Our current project is obedience training. Reesha and Nahanni have been
attending classes this year and are nearly ready to try for their novice
certification. Spunky little Reesha does it all off-leash with the dogs
she is accustomed to, but still needs a little practice with keeping her
focus in unfamilar conditions, and keeping quiet during her stays. Nahanni
could use a little more focus in her heel work, but does the best stays
in the class - so alert and attentive, and unshakable! Thor and Sequoia
are getting some refresher practice with all the training going on - they
just don't want to be left out.
Various other Frost&Wood dogs have been attending training classes
this year as well, and are progressing quite well. Our instructor, Art
Newman, even requested a photo of Nahanni and her puppies in harness to
hang in the training hall.
