rost&Wood Siberians started as the dream of a dogless child. My mother
was allergic to dogs, so we couldn’t have one, but dogs and horses
filled my head and sketch pads throughout my childhood, along with ambitious
barn and kennel plans. I have come to realize since then that I think
dogs really belong in the house in numbers that allow each to get individual
attention, so my plans have scaled down considerably to what I and my
friends and family can manage as housepets.
Hi, my name is Dana Cranstone and I am a Sibaholic, and here's my story:
Our family moved to the country when I was 16 years old allowing us to
get an "outdoor" family dog, which fairly shortly became an
indoor dog, since Siberians did not seem to make my mother's allergies
flare up. Tragically, Impesa chewed through a chain link fence to escape
while in heat, and we never found her, though we spent a month posting
signs and hand delivering notices to every home within a 50 km radius
of our home -- an unhappy lesson in Siberian escape abilities.
It wasn’t until many years later that Frost&Wood became reality
and we had our first litter. After moving away from home for university
and college, I did not have a Siberian living with me again until I was
27 years old when my husband and I purchased our own home in the country.
The day we signed for the house I was on the phone looking for a puppy.
Six months later Sequoia, Kabu's Frosted Moonlight, came to live with
us; riding contentedly in my lap all the way home. At three years she
gave us a litter of five beautiful boys, ultimately finding homes amongst
family and friends, with one being sold to a very nice family in Russell,
And then we bought our first dog sled...
In 2002 a second litter followed, and the team grew. Again the puppies
found homes with friends and family and all of them run with us on a regular
basis. It's nice to see how our babies are doing, and to hold puppy parties
at each other's houses. The future breeding stock of Frost&Wood Siberians
is currently housed in three households with all the dogs living as family
We are very pleased with our 2004 litter, they have excellent temperaments,
and are taking to sledding/carting like crazy. Reesha, at around 30 lbs,
jumps straight into her box in the sledding trailer, nearly 4 feet off the
ground, and is learning to run lead. They are also doing well in their
obedience classes, if a little talkative when the action gets too boring
for them.
Our next litter should make an appearance aound 2008 or 2009, if we are
still crazy enough to want more dogs. We are always trying to breed for
good pet temperament and conformation with sledding ability a bonus if
it does not negatively effect the first two requirements.
